Display your ERP machine data remotely
Introducing Portal from Factrac. Your next solution for displaying your ERP, MRP, WMS collected data to TV displays or monitors throughout your facility.
If you are already collecting or want to collect machine data into your ERP, MRP, or WMS system, with Portal you can now take that collected data and stream it to display on TVs and Monitors anywhere in your facility.
Larger displays that show machine/operator performance is a great way for personnel to see how machines are performing at a glance.
With Portal, you can display from 3 up to 18 different metrics on the display that Portal is connected to. Through J_SON commands, you can select which fields contain which metrics and change color backgrounds and font colors for additional visual notifications.
Ideal for your manufacturing and distribution processes
Easy to setup and get started
No programming required at Portal
Display machine performance to TV or Monitor displays
Reduce manual spreadsheet processes by 70%
3-View Screen
6-View Screen